Those trying to get the most out of the season, have finally given up their fight and come in from the cold. It’s been a busy month for the travel hoist. Nearly all our customers are here at last for their winter lay up, causing a flurry of activity to get them all ashore at once – just as the neep tides and dark nights reduced working hours. Such is life on the yard. Our marina was bulging with these boats waiting for water and light to coincide, but Spring tides quickly returned and we got them all ashore safe and sound.
As part of the spruce up on the yard, the office and workshop have had a face-lift this month and despite many suggestions that they too should become JCB yellow with a black trim, as per all the yard machinery, it finally was dosed in more muted colours on the same theme and was gently washed in Suffolk Cream with grey edgings.
‘De Uil’, a small dutch sailing barge, popped into the workshop for winterisation and repairs. We cut the side out of starboard quarter, which was showing signs of rot, spliced in a new piece and finished. Next she had her leeboards removed for sand, varnish and replace. Finally her hull and topsides were repainted. She is now laid up for winter on the yard.
Our large workshop on the quay now rings with the sound of hammer on steel. Tam Grundy and his son Ben are building a new mooring barge which we will see out on the Deben in the Spring.
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